Agility is the ability to move quickly and easily. It is developed through regular physical activity, such as agility drills, strength training, and flexibility exercises. Agility is applied in various sports such as basketball, soccer, and tennis, where quick movements and changes in direction are necessary.
The benefits of being agile include improved coordination, balance, and reaction time. Being agile can also help prevent injuries and boost overall performance in sports and everyday activities. Agility training can also enhance cognitive function and decision-making skills.
Here is a beginner's agility guide to get you started:
1. Start with a warm-up: Before engaging in any agility training, it's important to properly warm up your muscles. This can include light jogging, dynamic stretching, and mobility exercises to prepare your body for the movements ahead.
2. Focus on basic movements: Begin by incorporating basic agility exercises into your routine, such as ladder drills, shuttle runs, and cone drills. These exercises will help improve your coordination, balance, and quickness.
Here are some example ladder drills;
a. Two feet in, two feet out: Hop forward onto the ladder with both feet, then hop back out.
b. Single leg hops: Hop onto each square of the ladder using only one leg.
c. In-in, out-out: Step into the ladder with one foot, then bring the other foot in. Step out with the first foot, then the second.
d. Side to side: Step sideways in and out of each square of the ladder.
e. Forward and backward jumps: Jump forward onto the ladder, then quickly jump back out.
And some sample cone drills;
a. T-drill: Set up 5 cones in the shape of a "T" and weave in and out of the cones as quickly as possible.
b. Box drill: Place 4 cones in a square formation and move around the outside of the square, changing direction at each cone.
c. 5-10-5 drill: Set up 3 cones in a straight line with the middle cone 10 yards away from the start cone. Start at the first cone, sprint to the middle cone, touch it, and then sprint back to the starting cone before finishing at the last cone.
d. L-drill: Place 3 cones in the shape of an "L" and zig-zag through them as quickly as possible, changing direction at each cone.
e. Shuttle run: Set up 2 cones 25 yards apart and shuttle back and forth between the cones as quickly as possible, touching the ground at each cone.
3. Practice change of direction: Agility training involves being able to change direction quickly and efficiently. Incorporate drills that require you to change directions rapidly, such as cutting drills and lateral shuffles.
4. Incorporate plyometric exercises: Plyometrics are explosive movements that can

help improve your power and speed, essential components of agility. Exercises such as box jumps, squat jumps, and jumping lunges can be beneficial for developing agility.
5. Include balance and stability exercises: Agility also requires good balance and stability. Incorporate exercises such as single-leg squats, balance boards, and stability ball exercises to improve your overall stability and coordination. Find more about balance HERE.
6. Stay consistent: Like any form of training, consistency is key when it comes to improving agility. Aim to incorporate agility exercises into your workout routine at least 2-3 times per week to see progress.
7. Progress gradually: As you become more comfortable with the basic agility exercises, challenge yourself by increasing the intensity or complexity of the drills. This will help continuously improve your agility skills over time.
8. Rest and recover: It's important to allow your body time to rest and recover after intense agility training sessions. Make sure to incorporate rest days into your routine and prioritize proper nutrition and hydration to support your training efforts.
By starting agility training, you can improve your speed, coordination, and overall athleticism. Remember to listen to your body, stay consistent, and have fun while working towards your goals.