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Repetitive Injury + Recovery

Repetitive movement injuries, also known as overuse injuries, occur as a result of doing the same motion over and over again, causing strain and damage to the muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Repetitive movements when performed with poor ergonomics and bad posture can lead to overuse injuries due to the excessive strain they put on the musculoskeletal system over time.

These movements may seem insignificant in the moment, but when repeated frequently without proper body mechanics, they can cause gradual wear and tear on the muscles, tendons, and joints, leading to chronic pain and injuries.

Poor office posture, desk, laptop, ergonomics, navisess

In an office setting, tasks such as typing on a keyboard or using a mouse with improper wrist and arm positioning can put strain on the joints and muscles in the hands and arms, leading to conditions like carpal tunnel syndrome. Additionally, sitting for long periods with poor posture can lead to back and neck pain, as well as issues with the spine.

In golfing, swinging a club with improper technique and posture can strain the muscles in the back, shoulders, and arms, leading to injuries like golfer's elbow or rotator cuff issues. Similarly, in gardening, repeatedly bending over without proper body mechanics can strain the lower back and lead to conditions like sciatica or herniated discs.

Resistance band, blue, stretch, exercise, pain, mobility

Even household chores like vacuuming or mopping can contribute to repetitive injuries if performed with poor ergonomics and posture. For example, bending and twisting while vacuuming can strain the muscles in the back, while mopping with improper technique can lead to wrist and shoulder injuries.

Physiotherapy and massage therapy with a tailored exercise program, can be extremely beneficial in the recovery process for repetitive movement injuries. Here are some ways in which physiotherapy can help:

1. Pain relief: Physiotherapists are trained to assess the cause of the pain and discomfort associated with repetitive movement injuries. They can develop a personalized exercise program that targets the affected area, helping to reduce pain and inflammation.

2. Improved flexibility and range of motion: Overuse injuries can lead to stiffness and limited range of motion in the affected joint or muscle. Physiotherapy exercises are designed to improve flexibility and increase the range of motion, making movement easier and reducing the risk of further injury.

3. Strengthening muscles: Weak muscles can contribute to overuse injuries. Physiotherapy exercises focus on strengthening the muscles around the affected area, providing better support and stability, and reducing the likelihood of future injuries.

4. Correcting biomechanical imbalances: Physiotherapists can identify any misalignments or imbalances in the body that may be contributing to the overuse injury. They can then develop a targeted exercise program to correct these issues and prevent further injury.

5. Education and prevention: In addition to providing exercises, physiotherapists can educate individuals on proper posture, body mechanics, and techniques to prevent future injuries. By understanding how to move and use their bodies correctly, individuals can reduce the risk of re-injuring themselves.

By addressing pain, improving flexibility and strength, correcting biomechanical imbalances, and providing education on injury prevention, the Physio & Massage team at Leduc Physio can help individuals regain function and return to their regular activities safely and effectively.

Our team at Navisess can help with ergonomic assessments for every job- to identify risks and injury potential and provide recommendations on how to adjust your space properly.

Start moving your best today!

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